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George O'Connor


February 6, 2025

Market Town CrossFit's First Intramural Open

That’s right! This year, we’re doing something a little different with the Open in our community.

Here at Market Town CrossFit, we’re hosting our first ever intramural Open event. And you may be wondering, what exactly does that mean?

Fear not, your questions are about to be answered.

What Is the Open?

Let’s start by clearing things up. If you’re new to our box or the world of CrossFit, you might not even know what the Open is!

To put it simply, the Open is a yearly CrossFit event where you can compete against your peers (and thousands of people from around the world) to see where you stack up.

It’s three weeks long. Each week, a new workout is announced on a Thursday evening, allowing us time to prepare to get as many people from our box to complete it as possible.

The Open this year will start on Thursday, 27th of February.

Every year, we host a Friday Night Lights and Saturday Throwdown to allow as many people as possible to come in and take on the workouts as they’re announced.

What’s Changed This Year?

This year, we’re doing things a little differently.

In previous years, we hosted a Friday Night Lights and Saturday Throwdown event. But we want even more of our members to take on the workouts when they’re announced!

So, we’re also going to put the Open workouts as the Friday class workout every morning after the release! That gives as many of you as possible the opportunity to come in and do the workout.

Also, as part of our intramural Open format, you have all been put into one of three teams.

That’s right! It’s a team game now!

The Teams

If you haven’t already seen which team you’re on, you can find it on the Social page of our App, or our Facebook page if you’re a member of it.

But here’s what you need to know:

  • Green Team: Led by Lewis and Ruby
  • Yellow Team: Led by George and Elliot
  • Pink Team: Led by Sarah and Nic

I don’t want to go into which team is the best (though it’s clearly yellow). But again, if you want to know which one you belong to, head on over to our app now!

How to Score for Your Team

It’s all well and good knowing what team you belong to. But it’s not much help if you don’t know what you can do to score points to help your team win by the end of the three-week event. You can start earning points on week one of the Open.

Once the Open begins, you’ll have five main avenues to score points for your team. These include:

  1. Doing the workout
  2. Judging a workout
  3. Wearing your team colours
  4. Bringing baked goods
  5. Endorsing the theme

Doing the Workout

It’s fairly self-explanatory, but you can score a point for your team by showing up and doing the Open workout.

As long as you come in between Friday and Monday and get the workout done, that’s it! You get a point!

It’s not performance-based. It doesn’t matter how well you do. It’s simply the act of getting involved and having some fun that’ll get you the points for that week!

You can only score 1 point per workout, though. Doing it multiple times won’t end up scoring you more points for your team!

Judging a Workout

To have a score validated on the CrossFit website, you will need it to be judged.

While we are running the Open workouts during class hours on Friday, if you don’t have a judge, you cannot put your score up online!

So, if you assist with judging anyone’s workout, you will score a point for your team!

The best part? You can judge multiple people for the same workout to score even more points!

Again, if you want your scores to go up on the official Open leaderboard, you will need a judge!

But don’t worry! If an official score is of no interest to you, you can still take part and have fun doing the workouts. There’s no pressure on you to sign up if you don’t want to!

Wearing Your Team Colours

Again, this one is a relatively easy one! Whichever team you’re in, wear something in that colour!

Now, we do have a ground rule when it comes to this one.

You have to wear something that is predominantly your team’s colour. So, a yellow T-shirt will work if you’re on the yellow team. But a T-shirt with a small yellow logo won’t!

As a bonus, you will also get points per item of clothing. However, that doesn’t mean if you wear two socks, you get two points. Socks come in pairs, so that’ll only be one point for your team! But still, the more in your theme you go, the more points you’ll rack up.

Bringing Baked Goods

Fancy yourself a master of the baking arts? Or perhaps you can’t bake for the life of you, but you still want to claim points for your team.

Whatever the case, if you bring baked goods along (cakes, cookies, brownies, etc.), you’ll be able to get those valuable points for your team.

We encourage absolutely everybody to bring baked treats in. It’s kind of a selfish pursuit on our part, though. We just can't wait to eat them all.

Endorsing the Theme

Each week will come with a different theme. And the team leaders have picked what those themes will be.

  • Week 1: Countries (Green Team's Pick)
    • Anything related to a country. Quite literally, anything goes!
  • Week 2: Superheroes (Yellow Team's Pick)
    • Any superhero/villain, comic character, or any other character you might deem to be a superhero
  • Week 3: Animals (Pink Team's Pick)
    • Mammals, fish, insects, lizards, whatever else you can think of!

You will also get points relative to how invested you are in the theme.

For instance, on superhero week, if you wear an eye mask, you might get one point. But if you come dressed entirely like the Incredible Hulk, you will get even more points to your name!

Wrapping Up

So, that’s how our Open will work this year! We can’t wait to see everyone getting involved in each of the weeks and having the best time smashing the workouts alongside friends.

This is the most excited we’ve been for an Open in this community!We hope you feel the same, and we look forward to seeing what you bring to your team.

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